Sensit Yoga Organ Series


Our organ system manifests and stores emotions. It also responds positively to our refined attention, sound vibration, breath, touch and fluid movement from, and through, our inner body.

Regular yoga practice with attention on our organs increases health, vitality and balance in the whole organ system. It opens up communication pathways between the organs and the brain. As we learn to release the tension from the organs, this communication system becomes an intelligent life-guide. It reminds us to shift our attention from the thinking mind into the feeling body, making us more fully present to ourselves and helping us make choices that serve our growth and well-being.

In terms of practice, Sensit Yoga organ series involves asana and pranayama, Taoist healing sounds, Meridian tracing, Tantric meditations and restful partner work with touch, all infused with the body-mind centering approach to conscious movement and exploration. No prior experience is required.

Methodology for teachers of yoga and other movement modalities:

The daily practice is 3 hours long
Additional 2 hours are dedicated to Sensit Yoga methodology for yoga teachers, and anyone wanting to establish a self-practice of the organ care. It involves
- a discussion on the sequence that proceeded,
- ideas about using elements of this sequence for teaching any given yoga class,
- Teaching Sensit Yoga: guidelines on verbal cuing and invitations that enhance the students’ interoceptive experience. Use of touch.

Maja Zilih

Maja Zilih E-RYT 500 has been teaching yoga and meditation since 2007. Her method Sensit Yoga is a mindful and interoceptive practice that aims at expanding awareness of all the levels of our being.
The practice combines yoga asanas infused with elements from body-mind centering, tension release techniques, primal movement, functional exercises, and movements that arise for each individual in their own way. The sessions always complete with meditation and a long relaxation.
Expect to be continuously invited to feel, sense and move from and through your inner body. Sometimes you follow the instructions, other times you inquire into your unique needs, and let them take the lead. You explore and utilize your relationship with space and gravity. You play with different ways in which you can awaken fluidity and ease not only in the body and breath but also in the mind. By becoming conscious of your deep primal inner connections you find new source of support.
Your body begins to release the unnecessary tension and each movement becomes an opportunity for a total body-mind-spirit integration.

The price: 240 Euros (VAT included)

The teacher training counts as:

12 continuing Yoga Alliance education hours, and
12 hrs of Sensit Yoga education