In January we explore ways to support and nourish our nervous system. Familiar practices of restorative yoga, pranayama and somatic spiraling will be enriched with tracing and sensing the fat tissue that is so essential for the good neuronal functioning, as it insulates, protects and supports the neurons. 

Mondays 8, 15, 22 and 29 January | Perform Wien | 18:30-20:30 | 120 Euros

Thursdays 11, 18 and 25 Janaury | Online | 18:30-20:00 | 60 Euros

About restorative yoga:

Restorative yoga uses gravity and other forms of support (walls, cushions, chairs blocks) to create gentle passive openings in the tissues and achieve relaxation in the entire neuro-muscular system.
Maintaining restorative postures releases, hydrates and revitalizes fascia. It allows those areas of the body that tend to accumulate stress, to gradually soften the resistance and surrender to gravity. This process calms the nervous system and can become "imprinted" as a new habit of releasing stress at will. Gradually, this practice can lead to the prevention of future accumulation of tension in the muscles, fascia and the organ system.

Sensit Somatics:

In Sensit somatics we use the ground for rolling and effortlessly spiraling, to release tension in the fascia and the organ body. Movement and meditation merge into one practice of heightened proprioceptive and interoceptive awareness, gradually taking us to a place of no guidance or instruction, where the non-voluntary, spontaneous expression can emerge.